Find a Friend or A Companion Nearby

  1. Call Sophie
  2. Tell her who you’re looking for
  3. She’ll find your match over the phone!


By calling you agree to the Privacy Policy & Terms and opt into the SophieConnects network.
Find a Companion NearbyFind a Companion Nearby

Loneliness Ends Here

Meet Sophie—your friendly AI connector on the phone.

Call Now +18623414223
Connects you with real people nearby — quickly and easily.
Knows first and calls you when there’s someone new to meet in your area
Introduces you safely and stays on the line to break the ice
Call Now
(862) 341 42 23

Sophie Will Find a Companion
in Your Area for:

Engaging Phone Chats

Engaging Phone Chats

Conversations with real people who brighten your day
Fun Outings

Fun Outings

Share a coffee, a walk, or activities in town


Explore a deeper connection if you are ready

Your companion is just one call away

Call Now
(862) 341 42 23

How It Works


Call Sophie to Begin

Sophie is available 24/7, she is patient, kind, and judgment-free


Share Your Preferences

Sophie will ask about your ideal match and learn a bit about you.


Get introduced to your match over the phone!

Sophie will find the right companion for you and will introduce you both over the phone.

Call Safely

Stay Private and Safe

Stay Private and Safe

Your phone number and location stay private. All calls happen securely via Sophie's protected line.
Meet Comfortably

Meet Comfortably

Sophie will join your first calls with your match and will help break the ice

Reconnect with Ease

Reconnect with Ease

The only thing you need is to call our number! Sophie remembers your preferences and can reconnect you with previous matches if they’re also interested in continuing.

Stay Protected from Scams

Stay Protected from Scams

Sophie will join your first calls to make sure they go in a respectful and safe manner